This ongoing event series is built around the relation between bodies and imaginings/imagings of the future, and asks the following questions:
How do bodies come to represent the future, i.e. why does so much cultural discourse about the future of humanity hinge on the body?
What anxieties and hopes are inscribed on imagined embodiments of the future?
What happens at the intersection of gender, race, and technology in representations of these embodiments?
In a variety of formats that are open to all, our aim is to create a space for a discourse that makes room for a wide variety of perspectives and approaches, ranging from questions of queering to cybercultural examinations of the politics of body, and spanning the width of textual genres and media.
These events are organized by Hannah Schoch and Morgane A. Ghilardi, who are both enrolled in the UZH English Department's doctoral program, and are kindly supported by the doctoral program.